Early stage investments in tech projects

Blockchain, Decentralization, Cryptography


About Fig Tree

Fig Tree is a small investing team experienced in evaluating tech projects at the earliest stage. Fig Tree provides seed money to projects that the investing team considers practical and innovative. After a presentation of the project to Fig Tree investment team, a response is provided whether Fig Tree intend to finance such project or not. While Fig Three doesn't invest in all the project presented, always offers constructive feedback to rejected projects explaining the reasons of the rejection.
Generally speaking, the pre-seed funding round, also known as pre-seed capital or pre-seed money, is the capital needed to start any business. Pre-seed funding is used for product development, proofs-of-concepts, or prototypes, to be used when presenting the project to bigger investors to raise more consistent funding.
Fig Tree invests in projects at a very early stage to help innovative entrepreneurs expedite their development process. By putting capital in early, Fig Tree is able to reap benefits that are not available to those who invest after the project concept has been proven and validated.
We place a risk on pre-seeding when we can work with founders, specifically on go-to-market, because high risk means great reward. Investing in pre-seed is riskier than doing so in later rounds. With no product and only very little testing, assumptions are still unvalidated and market fit has not been established. Since risk is higher Fig Tree is able to invest capital at lower amounts and earn a greater share of the company.
Consistent equity in a company allows Fig Tree to have an earlier say in the direction of the project, work directly with the founders to offer advice, input, and even mentorship.

Fig Tree Portfolio





email your project and contacts to info[at]figtree.ltd